Saturday, April 18, 2020

Surviving difficult days, and hoping for Potential.

We, as humans, have advanced so much in the last few decades that due to technology through cell phones, computers, tablets, growth of e-commerce etc., all is at our disposal. Many people have been so used to fast-paced life in metropolitan regions, as well as in certain rural areas, that fast-paced life has become our way of life.

Since of Corona Virus, our society has witnessed a decline of daily life (schools and universities – closed, malls and movie halls – down; workplaces that order their staff to operate from home; transportation limits and lack of health care etc.). Now a big problem falls into view-are you prepared for this as an individual? If so, then at what level?

As a consequence of this epidemic the destruction of lives worldwide is heart-wrenching. As human beings, the virus reminds us that we are still people, no matter how much scientific advances we have made. We are still human beings, so an unseen virus will bring the entire planet to a halt. Perhaps the worst has yet to come, yet as people we are seeing a major change in how world leaders have arisen from territorial tensions, economic conflicts, trade wars, and other problems to work together and pursue a way to tackle a global crisis like the one we are experiencing today. Issues of this nature can't be a single country's problem; it also impacts the entire planet.

For people, over the past 100 years we have definitely not had a tragedy of this scale, and it is a lesson to keep our act together as a human race and to become better global citizens. As NLPers and as coaches how do we support the society as a whole, and how do we support each other in this time? Why can we reach past ourselves to contribute to a larger cause and support many NLP fellows and coaches become more robust and self-reliant?

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Coaching Bad Homburg

The global effects of this would undoubtedly be felt all around the globe. The bond markets are down, the energy rates are down; the costs of other required commodities have soared ~ and this preparation is down on any human being. Below are few difficult things you need to answer in challenging periods for survival: • As a human being, are you equipped for a crisis of this magnitude?
  • Can you tolerate a daily / weekly / monthly loss of business? Then, how long?
  • Are you prepared to miss your paycheck for a few months, live at home and follow the mode of survival?
  • Would you live without a stable profit for 3/4/5 months?
  • Would you feel worried for your life, and about your family? Was it mental burden taking?
  • Do you have funds from a professional health-care standpoint to handle this crisis? Are you psychological security and personal health to carry out the quarantines?
  • Would you retain custody over your assets if you survived?
  • Do you have a roadmap for running your company in these times?
  • How do you protect everything you can?
  • How soon can you come back?
  • Which strategy do you have when things get better?
  • What is the first step towards a recovery, and general well-being?
  • What's going to plan for the future now?
  • How do you build incentives now, and how do you keep alive to handle your finances?
  • How can you make sure you're equipped for anything like this in the future?
They are difficult issues, but they are also important to your ability to look after your safety, wealth, and mental and emotional well-being.

We as individuals will fly through this ~ but at a far deeper stage, many companies are going to go bankrupt, many lives are not going to be the same, and many people would have to resolve the mental stress they've gone through.

Stay tuned, and stay big, too! We are smarter than we say we are ...

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